PhD Research Projects

Free-Space Laser Communications 

Digital communications underpin every aspect of modern society, and the demand for data bandwidth is constantly increasing. Laser signals (visible and infrared light) can support data transfer at rates orders of magnitude higher than conventional radio frequency (RF) signals. That is why the vast majority of internet traffic travels as laser light through optical fibre networks rather than electrical signals through copper wire. Wireless communications however, have remained in the realm of RF due to the challenges of free-space laser communications: atmospheric effects on the propagation of optical beams and the strict pointing and tracking requirements.This is a problem as the RF spectrum is a finite resource and has reached its practical limit. The astrophotonics group is working to overcome these challenges, developing optical terminals for laser links between moving vehicles, as well constructing the TeraNet optical ground station network to support ground-to-space laser communications that will break the data transfer bottleneck imposed on spacecraft operators. 

PhD topics include: 

  • Optical Ground Station Network Automation and Optimisation — While laser communications are a paradigm shifting technology, the major weakness is weather; lasers cannot propagate through clouds.The way around this is to use multiple optical ground stations (OGS) that overlap in their coverage but are far enough apart that the weather they experience is not correlated. This project would investigate how an OGS network can be automated and optimised to ensure the best possible uptime for links. 

  • Atmospheric Mitigation — Atmospheric turbulence degrades an optical signal, reducing its capacity to transmit data. Adaptive optics (AO) is a mature technology used by astronomers to correct for this, but optical ground stations will need to operate under less favourable conditions than the pristine sites that astronomical observatories are located. This project would investigate various turbulence mitigation strategies for laser communications, whether based on AO or other techniques.  

  • Mobile Terrestrial Laser Communications — Laser communications can also be employed in terrestrial scenarios where high bandwidth and/or secure communications are needed, but optical fibre is impractical. Defence, the resources sector, and disaster management could benefit significantly from laser communications. This project would involve the design and implementation of optical terminals that could be vehicle-mounted and operate over links of ~20km.  

We are looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic student willing to learn from and collaborate with a team of optical researchers and physicists in the Astrophotonics Group ( The student will be given the opportunity to work in a world-class optical laboratory and to develop skills relevant to optical engineering, experimental physics and the budding Australian space industry. Additionally, this work will be conducted in collaboration with research groups from across Australia and around the world.